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308 The One With The Giant Poking Device
Phoebe avoids going to the dentist because whenever she goes, someone dies. Joey tells Chandler about Janice kissing her husband, and Chandler confronts her. She must chose between the two men she loves. It looks like she might choose Chandler, but he decides he can't be responsible for breaking up her marriage. Ross has an emergency at the museum, so Rachel takes care of Ben and Monica bangs Ben's head on the ceiling. Ugly Naked Guy has a new hammock, and looks awfully still. The gang fashions a very long poking device out of chopsticks so they can make sure he's not dead. Gunther continues to brood over Rachel.
Original Airdate:
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• None
Written by Adam Chase
Directed by Gail Mancuso
James Michael Tyler as Gunther
Maggie Wheeler as Janice
Charlie & Jack Allen as Ben