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312 The One With All The Jealousy
Rachel has her first day on the job and Ross sends her a singing telegram, and continues to be jealous about Mark. Chandler arranges a bachelor party for his cousin. Joey gets an audition for a Broadway musical, but he can't dance. Gunther pines for Rachel. Monica falls for Julio, a co-worker at the diner who writes a poetry. He writes a poem for Monica which isn't very flattering. Ross and Ben have a play date with the stripper from the bachelor party, which makes Rachel jealous.
Original Airdate:
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• None
Written by Doty Abrams
Directed by Robby Benson
Steven Eckholdt as Mark
Obba Babatunde as The Director
Carlos Gomez as Julio
James Michael Tyler as Gunther
Wendy Schall as Jeannine
Hillary Matthews as Nancy