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317 The One Without The Ski Trip
Ross and Rachel's fighting causes the gang to try to hang out with them separately. Chandler, under stress because Ross and Rachel's break-up reminds him of his parents divorce, and starts smoking again. Rachel invites everyone but Ross to go skiing for the weekend. They get locked out of the car at a rest stop. Rachel refuses to call Ross for help, so Monica and Phoebe do it behind her back. Ross interferes with Carol's and Susan's "Anniversary". Then Ross rescues his friends but then gets stuck because his battery dies.
Original Airdate:
Other Info:
• Chandler says his parents got divorced when he was 9, but in an earlier episode he tells Janice they divorced when he was 11.
Written by Scott Silveri and Shana Goldberg-Meehan
Directed by Sam Simon
Jane Sibbett as Carol Willick