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324 The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion
Monica's boyfriend Pete begins competing to be the Ultimate Fighting Champion but he loses... repeatedly. Chandler's new boss has a habit of slapping him on the behind, which Chandler tries to deal with. Phoebe asks Rachel if she can set Ross up with Bonnie and Rachel agrees since Bonnie's the girl who shaves her head. Later, Rachel finds out Bonnie now has plenty of hair.
Original Airdate:
Other Info:
• In The One With The Candy Hearts (Season One) Pheobe's friend (who shaved her head) was named Abby. In this Episode her name is Bonnie.
• Robin Williams and Billy Crystal small cameo appearance was shot in only 4 takes.
Teleplay by Scott Silveri & Shanan Goldberg-Meehan
Story by Mark J. Kunerth & Pang-ni Landrum
Directed by Robby Benson
Robin Williams as Thomas
Billy Crystal as Tim
Jon Favreau as Pete Becker
James Hong as Hoshi
Christine Taylor as Bonnie
Sam McMurray as Doug
Steve Dark as Phil
Joe O'Connor as Stevens
John McCarthy as Referee
Bruce Buffer as Announcer