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401 The One With The Jellyfish

Ross dumps Bonnie, which takes all night and she leaves in the morning. Meanwhile, Rachel writes a long letter to Ross that she needs him to read before they get back together. He tries to read it but falls asleep and then has to fake it when she asks him about it. Ross agrees with the letter before he finds out what it says. Once he finds out the letter asks him to accept the breakup was all his fault, he's not sure he can keep up the charade. Phoebe is upset that her real mother never tried to contact her. She tells her mother she never wants to see her again, but her mother finally convinces her to reconcile. Ursula knew about their real mother all along, but never told Phoebe. Monica, Chandler, and Joey spend the day on the beach. Joey digs a hole and Monica gets stung by a jellyfish. Joey remembers that peeing on a jellyfish sting takes the pain away. Monica "can't bend that way" and Joey gets "Stage Fright," leaving Chandler. Ross can't stand hiding his feelings and he and Rachel break up again.
Original Airdate:
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• None
Written by Wil Calhoun
Directed by Shelly Jensen
Christine Taylor as Bonnie
Teri Garr as Phoebe, Sr.