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402 The One With The Cat
Joey and Chandler agree to sell their oversized entertainment center. They have a hard time selling it but and easy time being robbed by a prospective buyer, thanks to Joey. Monica goes out with Chip, Rachel's high school prom date. Unfortunately, Chip hasn't grown much since Lincoln High. Ross and Rachel continue to bicker about their break-up. Phoebe finds a cat and is convinced it's her mother reincarnated. A poster is found for a missing cat, but no one has the heart to tell Phoebe except Ross.
Original Airdate:
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• None
Written by Jill Condon and Amy Toomin
Directed by Shelley Jensen
Dan Gauthier as Chip Matthews
James Michael Tyler as Gunther
Mathew Kaminsky as Tony
Ken Weiler as Peter
Marc Unger as the Thief