The One About Friends

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405 The One With Joey's New Girlfriend

Chandler introduces himself to a good looking girl, Kathy, only to find out that she's dating Joey. As they get to know each other, Chandler's feelings get deeper. Whenever Rachel is around, Ross goes out of his way to mention Amanda, a single mother he's been seeing. Rachel counters by dating Josh, a much younger man. However, Amanda uses Ross as a babysitter so she can date another man, and Josh steals from Rachel. Ross uses weird gestures he made up as a kid instead of offensive ones. Phoebe has a bad cold which makes her singing voice sexy. When she recovers she desperately tries to catch another cold and she even kisses Gunther.

Original Airdate:

Other Info:
• Rachel's birthday is given as May 5.

Written by Michael Curtis & Gregory S. Malins
Directed by Gail Mancuso
Paget Brewster as Kathy
Laura Stepp as Amanda
James Michael Tyler as Gunther
Brian "Fish" Smith as Josh
Charles Thomas Allen & John Christopher Allen as Ben