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410 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
Joey sets a personal record for sticking Oreos in his mouth - 15. Ross dates a girl from Poughkeepsie but is concerned about the distance involved in seeing her. Rachel wants a relationship, or at least a fling, so Chandler offers to set her up with someone. When his coworkers find out it's Rachel and that she's not looking for a serious relationship, they all bribe Chandler to set them up. Monica gets no respect at work. She hires Joey in order to fire him, so everyone will know who's boss. But Joey likes the tips, so he has a hard time going along with the plan. Phoebe works (and works and works) on a Christmas song for her friends. Ross takes a train to Poughkeepsie to break up, but falls asleep and ends up in Montreal with a girl from Nova Scotia.
Original Airdate:
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• None
Written by Scott Silveri
Directed by Gary Halvorson
Fred Stoller as The Waiter
James Michael Tyler as Gunther
Jamie Kaler as Mike
Micheal DiMaggio as Drew
Shannon Maureen Brown as The Woman On The Train
Amy Smallman as The Kitchen Worker
Yasemin Baytok as The Poughkeepsie Woman
Vic Helford as The Conductor