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413 The One With Rachel's Crush

When Chandler finds out Kathy's new play involves a steamy scene with her co-star, he's worried where it might lead. Joey tells him not to worry as long as there's chemistry on-stage, there isn't anything happening off-stage. This helps until Chandler sees the play again later and finds the performance isn't as good. Chandler accuses Kathy of sleeping with her leading man and they fight and part on unfavorable terms. By the time Chandler goes to apologize and make up, it's too late. Monica tells Joey that the guys have to be the hosts since they have the big apartment but she can't stand it. She tries to win everyone over to her place by doing lots of cooking and re-decorating. Rachel's department at work is eliminated, so she has to become a Personal Shopper. She plans to quit until a handsome, well-to-do young man, Joshua, needs her services. She wants to ask him on a date, but doesn't know how because she's never had to ask anyone out before.
Original Airdate:
Other Info:
• Tate Donovan who played Joshua was Jennifer Aniston's real-life boyfriend when this episode was taped.
Written by Shana Goldberg-Meehan
Directed by Dana J. DeVally
Tate Donovan as Joshua Burgin
Paget Brewster as Kathy
Paxton Whitehead as Mr. Waltham