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423 The One With Ross's Wedding: Part 1

Ross, Monica, Joey, and Chandler leave for London. Phoebe's pregancy prohibits travel and Rachel stays to take care of her and to avoid the emotional strain of watching Ross get married. Joey and Chandler go sight-seeing, but Joey's tourist behavior embarrasses Chandler and they split up for the day. Chandler has a lousy time, but Joey has a great day including a visit with the Duchess of York. Emily stresses about the wedding arrangements, and everything is on the verge of collapsing when the demolition work starts on the building where they were to wed. Monica suggests they postpone the wedding, an idea which leads to more problems. Rachel realizes she's still in love with Ross, and tries to console herself by shopping. Phoebe also tries to help her get over Ross. When all this fails, Rachel decides to leave right away for London to tell Ross how she feels.

Original Airdate:

Other Info:
• None

Written by Michael Borkow
Directed by Kevin S. Bright
Sarah, The Duchess of York as herself
Helen Baxendale as Emily Waltham
Richard Branson as The Vendor