The One About Friends

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506 The One With The Yeti

Joey continues to keep Monica and Chandler's secret, although he's not to happy about keeping quite. Phoebe receives a mink coat as a family heirloom. Since she's against using fur, she plans to cremate it... until she sees herself wearing it in the mirror. Ross sells all his stuff and moves to a new apartment because Emily wants them to have a fresh start at a new life. Emily's demands get to be a little too much for Ross, and he tells her she's either got to trust him or their marriage won't work. Emily decides she can't trust Ross. Rachel and Monica are frightened by a hairy man in a dark storage room. The "Yeti" turns out to be Danny, a new tenent in the building. Rachel and Danny don't seem to get along but end up going out for pizza together. Ugly Naked Guy is back.

Original Airdate:

Other Info:
• None

Written by Alexa Junge
Directed by Gary Halvorson
Helen Baxendale as Emily Waltham
James Michael Tyler as Gunther
George Newbern as Danny