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513 The One With Joey's Bag
Chandler finds out Monica gives terrible massages but doesn't want to tell her. When the truth comes out, Monica has a hard time accepting it. Joey is auditioning for a sophisticated part in a play, so Rachel offers to help him look the part. She outfits him at Bloomingdales, and part of the ensemble is a "man's bag," which bears a striking resemblence to a purse. Unfortunately, Joey's devotion to the bag ends up costing him the audition. Phoebe's grandmother dies and, Ursula (Pheobe's twin sister), who thought grandma was already dead, skips the memorial. The memorial does have one unexpected guest, Phoebe's father. Without revealing her true identify, she arranges to meet with him later, at which time she reveals the truth... but things are still a little awkward.
Original Airdate:
Other Info:
• None
Written by Seth Kurland
Directed by Gail Mancuso
Bob Balaban as Frank, Sr.
Daniel Hagen as The Casting Director