The One About Friends

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515 The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey

Ross confronts Chandler about his relationship with Monica. At first Ross is angry, but he quickly sees the good in it. Ross, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe talk about what it will be like if Chandler and Monica have kids. Chandler gets a bit freaked out about the idea of a lasting commitment and ends up in an argument with Monica. In a misguided effort to apologize, Chandler proposes marriage, an offer which Monica does not accept. Meanwhile, Joey dates Katie, a cute little woman who likes to punch Joey's arm - a lot. It gets to be too much for Joey, and he decides to break up with her which he's very nervous about. Luckily, Katie nearly gets in a fight with Rachel and threatens to walk out on Joey if he doesn't take her side. He refuses and the relationship ends. Ross moves into his new apartment. The president of the tenant's committee asks him to contribute 100 dollars toward's the retiring handyman's gift. Ross has never even met the man, to he declines. Everyone in the building decides Ross is cheap and not "their kind of people," so he stubbornly tries to win their friendship. Things just get worse, however, despite (and a little because of) Phoebe's efforts to help him.

Original Airdate:

Other Info:
• None

Written by Adam Chase
Directed by Kevin S. Bright
Willie Garson as Steve
Soleil Moon Frye as Katie
David Dalton as Guest #1
Linde Gibb as Guest #2
Stephon Fuller as Guest #3