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516 The One With The Cop
Joey has a dream that Monica is his girlfriend. Monica tells him it just means he wants a relationship with the closeness that he sees between herself and Chandler. She suggests he try being friends with a woman before being intimate. After hitting on Rachel (unsuccessfully), Joey tries to make friends with new women. They find his "friends first" approach so enticing that they want the intimacy immediately. Phoebe finds a police badge under a cushion at the coffee house. She plans to return it but has too much fun pretending to be a cop... until she pulls it on the actual owner of the badge. She drops the badge and runs away. He (Gary) tracks her down and asks her on a date. Ross accompanied by Rachel buys a new sofa, but can't get it up the stairs to his apartment. So when they call for backup Chandler shows up. The couch gets broken in half after it falls down the stairs so Ross tries to return it for one that's "not cut in half." He ends up getting a store credit... for four dollars.
Original Airdate:
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• None
Teleplay by Gigi McCreery & Perry Rein
Story By Alicia Sky Varinaitis
Directed by Andrew Tsao
Michael Rapaport as Gary
Nicole Robinson as The Smoking Woman
Mark Fite as The Salesman
Aloma Wright as The Saleswoman