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520 The One With The Ride-Along
Ross, Joey, and Chandler go on a ride-along with Gary. Thinking a car back-fire is actually a gunshot, Joey dives and protects Ross from harm. Chandler is upset that Joey chose to protect Ross... until he learns that Joey was really trying to protect his sandwich. While getting Margarita fixings as Ross' apartment, Rachel overhears Emily - who is getting married the next day - leaving a message, wondering if their break-up was a mistake. Monica and Rachel debate about what to do, and Rachel accidentally erases the message. She stays and waits for Ross to return so she can tell him.
Original Airdate:
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• None
Written by Shana Goldberg-Meehan & Seth Kurland
Directed by Gary Halvorson
Michael Rapaport as Gary
Helen Baxendale as Emily Waltham