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522 The One With Joey's Big Break
Rachel has an eye infection but doesn't want anyone touching her eye. Monica finally gets her to a doctor but then Rachel won't use the eyedrops. Everyone has to hold her down and force her to use them. Phoebe is mad at Ross but can't remember why. Joey gets the lead role in a independent film called Shutter Speed, being filmed in Las Vegas. He and Chandler start a road trip but Chandler lets slip that he doesn't think this is Joey's big break, and gets kicked out of the car. Joey makes it to Vegas but the movie is shutting down from lack of funds, leaving Joey trying to make ends meet as a gladiator at Caesar's Palace.
Original Airdate:
Other Info:
• If Rachel is so disturbed by eyeballs, why did she accompany Monica to the eye doctor when Monica got a fragment of ice lodged in her eye in The One With Chandler In A Box?
Teleplay by Wil Calhoun
Story by Shana Goldberg-Meehan
Directed by Gary Halvorson
Michael Monks as Dr. Miller
John Kassir as Stanley
John C. McDonnell as The Grip