This spot is for the fans out there! Feel free to submit any artwork featuring Stuart Townsend, the man himself, or one of his many characters. There's quite a few pictures of the guy online...I know you can find one, two, or a dozen to inspire you! Digital art, traditional pen & ink, pencil, sculpture...tomato and ketchup finger art? Its all good here, honey! Show the world just how creative you can be and share it with us all!
All submissions are and will remain property of the artist. If you like a picture and want to use it on your site, please be considerate and ask that artist for his/her permission first. I claim no rights to any of these artpieces except the ones I've done myself and marked as my own.
BY: TerrieB/Saamazon
BY: Ashley/WolfKillerLestat
BY: Carley
BY: FizzBliss
By: FizzBliss
By: FizzBliss
By: FizzBliss
By: FizzBliss
800x600 Wallpaper BY: TerrieB/Saamazon
800x600 Wallpaper BY: FizzBliss
800x600 Wallpaper BY: FizzBliss
800x600 Wallpaper BY: FizzBliss
800x600 Wallpaper BY: FizzBliss
800x600 Wallpaper BY: FizzBliss
800x600 Wallpaper BY: FizzBliss
800x600 Wallpaper BY: TerrieB/Saamazon
Wallpaper BY: Pandora of the ST & VP Fanclub
Wallpaper BY: Pandora fo the ST & VP Fanclub
Wallpaper BY: Pandora of the ST & VP Fanclub
Wallpaper BY: Pandora of the ST & VP Fanclub
Image BY: Amanda
Art BY: MariDancingMoon
While I've been working to get this site up and off the ground, I've seriously neglected my art. There's a ton of pictures I've found of Stuart that I plan on working with, but until then, you can swing by my "official" gallery and have a look at some of the celebrity art I've already done. Go to: SAAmazon's Art. There, you'll find pics of celebrities, from actor, Russell Crowe to Korn lead-singer, Jon Davis.
Got art? Feel free to send it along to SAAmazon