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There are many people I would like to say a Big thank you to for helping me create and maintain this site! To Diane for staying up late into the night explaining to me how in the heck to start a site to begin with. To Lori for all her hard work pouring over search engines to find information for me on Mr. Karyo and the links she sends. To Karen for the links that she's found! To everyone who's signed the guestbook so I know I'm not alone! To my husband and my daughter for their patience. To Erika for giving me this idea to begin with, and for help with html (Diane on that also). To all the gals on the Robin Sachs fansite for their humor and well wishes!

Also, to all the sites I've linked to and the information they provide.

And, last but not least, to Mr. Karyo himself just for being the wonderful actor and sexy man he is! I hope someday he'll view this site and enjoy it. Keep smiling everyone, Terri