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Recently we recieved this very lovely email from a young fan's Father. I found it so sweet that I couldn't resist sharing it with everyone, and hopefully Mr. Karyo himself may read it. I think he would be honored to know his performances in films can touch people of all ages.

If anyone else would like to share a letter to Mr. Karyo, please email me and I'll be glad to post it!


Just wanted to let fans of Tcheky Karyo know that my son William was quite taken with Mr. Karyo's performance in the movie "The Core."

I must confess that I had seen the movie alone previously and enjoyed it immensely. I had forgotten, however, just how scary Serge's death is. That's what affected William the most. He began crying before I knew what was happening. I turned off the DVD at that point and had a talk with him for at least 20 minutes. He's only 7. He had enjoyed all of the characters so much up to that point and was unprepared for their deaths.

I shoulder the blame for not preparing him for this, and should not have let him watch a PG-13 movie. I let my excitement about the movie cloud my judgement. But in a way I think his constant talking about "Serge" and how he died, and how sad that made William, has allowed him to explore the concept of death without the pain of losing an actual loved one.

He understands that Mr. Karyo is just an actor, that he didn't die in real life. So I'm writing on his behalf.

If I had one wish today it would be that this message could somehow get to Mr. Karyo himself.

William's favorite scene was when Mr. Karyo is in the testing chamber with the other "terranauts," everything's being shaken up, and he's roaring "It's a disaster" with a huge laugh. The mention of his family periodically was very touching too.

So congratulations Mr. Karyo, wherever you are. You have a new fan. Make that two.

Kevin Krug

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