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This site has been created for entertainment purposes only. We are not affiliated with Mr. Karyo in any way, and no profit is gained from it. We're just here to provide fans with information on his career, and hopefully some nice eye candy along the way.

Most of the pictures we use were stolen...ummmm...borrowed, from the Google and Alta Vista Image links on the homepage. No copyright infringement is intended, and if anyone should see something we've used that shouldn't be here, please email us. We'll either take it off, or beg you to let us keep it! If you wish to use a picture, we can't stop you, but we do ask that you TRY to get permission from the original source.

Some links provided, especially on the Non Related Links page, may lead to adult content. It's not our intentions to provide under age persons with naughty material, so please use caution.

If you have any information on Mr. Karyo that pertains to his career, please let us know about it. We will be happy to give you credit for it, along with a big Thank You! And, don't forget to sign our guestbook or leave a message on the Tag Board. Feedback is always appreciated!
