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Welcome to the Unofficial Tcheky Karyo Fansite.

We hope you enjoy your visit, and that you come back often. This site was created with the sole purpose of helping Mr. Karyo's fan's locate information about his past, present, and future projects. It's intended for entertainment purposes only, and no profit is gained from it. Unfortunately, we don't know Mr. Karyo and are not affiliated with him in any way, or any of the links we provide. We also have no way to contact him directly, and can't gaurantee that any messages left for him on the guestbook will actually be read by him. There are links on the Non Related Links page that may lead to adult content, please use caution. It's not our intentions to direct any person's under age to adult oriented sites. Most of the links provided are used with permission. Photo's have been lifted from the Google and Alta Vista links, if you wish to use them, we request you seek permission from the original source first.

For a complete filmography, there are links on the Biography Page to the IMDB or Chris Saunder's TV Tome Page. Chris has done a wonderful job on that, so please check it out! And, a big THANK YOU to Sam for updating the entire Bio page. Great work!

If you would like to submit a letter to our Fanmail page, please email the UTKF Staff with your request.

Recently we've added a Fan Page, and thanks to PB for some terrific reviews! If anyone would like to contribute information to this site, or any fanart, please email us at We also request you take a moment to sign the guestbookIt's always great to hear from other fans!

We hope you enjoy what we've been able to put together here. Many wonderful people have helped us out already, and we've tried to give credit to those individuals on the appropriate pages. However, if you should notice something that we've forgotten, or see a picture or information that should not be here, let us know about it and we'll correct or take it off asap.

Thanks for stopping by, and we hope you visit often!

Terri & Erika



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