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1997 年度雜誌訪問

Interview Magazine

Interview Magazine

Cheery Maguire
by Laurence Dumortier

Introducing a leading candidate for the title of "the movie's next spell caster".

Overnight success? Tobey Maguire doesn't want to hear it. At the still tender age of twenty-one, the Los Angeles native has been practicing his own "un-actor-y" way of acting for eight years. However, 1997 is the year he'll be taking it to the bank, with high profile roles in An Lee's The Ice Storm - in which Maguire will play an alienated suburban teen circa 1973 - and in Woody Allen's next film. Why the sudden attention? Perhaps because in a day and age when Hollywood deals are often front-page news, Maguire reminds us of a kid at play.

One question: What's the key to you and acting, Tobey?

It's about, "Here's my dream and I'm going to make it happen." Of course, luck plays into it, but my theory is you can do whatever you want to, if you really want to. I remember when I was fifteen and I had just started acting. I was living with my mom and there wasn't a lot of extra money, so I borrowed $9,000 from a friend. I told him "I will pay you back in one year." [Laughs] Nine grand! I didn't know how I was going to pay him back, but I did. I look back on that experience whenever I feel afraid. I tell myself, "You know what? Go for it."

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