
itS OUr FiVe MOntH AniVERsARy TOdAy!! =) .. time to get ready for school.. =( buhbye..
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TOny ANd kRiStiNa's jOUrnAL
Tuesday, 14 September 2004
5 MONthS!
Mood: ![]() itS OUr FiVe MOntH AniVERsARy TOdAy!! =) .. time to get ready for school.. =( buhbye..
Sunday, 29 August 2004
i'M HOme
Mood: ![]() Now Playing: ANgeL - AManDa PEreZ i'm home!.. i had a fun week end.. it was nice to see my cusin again cause i haven't seen her in a while.. her bf is soo kewl.. they are probly gonna get married.. so on SatuRDay my cusin showed me this room in their house that they re did.. and we ate and watched movies and played cards and played pool and some other stuf.. it was really fun.. Today we went out to break fast and then we played football in the street like little kids.. lol.. it was kewl.. and next weekend they are having a bbq so me and my AUnt mite go.. they are both sooO kewl i wanna go bak =).. when i got here my lil cusin was here already and when i walked in the door and she saw me she was like KRISSINA and ran over to me.. how kewl huh.. SHe LOVes ME
Saturday, 28 August 2004
just here waiting for my wiFe...
Mood: ![]() well i just got home from work man today was a really busy sux working at a pharmacy...but it's all good...i didn't mean to leave last night just that my head was really killling me like real bad and i had drank some medicine that got me real drowsy and i felt like soo out of I Could never LOve anyone Else than My baby Never..Kristina is mY only one i LOVe her soOO MUch i'm just soo sorry that you feel like that...i'm soo sorry baby i know sorry won't make anything up but man i just LOve you soOO Much damn i Do today at work i just felt soo mest up cause i coudln't get up last night and my baby was feeling bad i feel like a jErk i'm so sorry baby i'm sorrry...
Friday, 27 August 2004
sad day
Mood: ![]() jeez i wait all day to talk to my husband and he kant even talk to me.. y do things have to be like this.. it's like this kinda shit is ment to happen.. i'm about to leave for a few days and i dont knoe how long imma be gone.. i mite even be gone for a WHOLE WEEK and he kant even talk to me the last nite imma be here.. and i KANT talk to him a lot at my cusins house(where imma be at).. i'm there to visit w/ her and that's rude to be using their shit when i'm suposed to be spending time w/ her.. i dont knoe i dono I DONNO.. i donno wats going on nemore.. it's like we're breaking a part.. that's wat i feel.. i dont knoe wat to do at all.. i feel like if he's got some one new and i feel like he's not even trying nemore.. a relationship only works if both ppl try.. i feel like i'm the only one trying and i really don't like that.. but seriouse there's nothing i can do about it.. i kant make him try.. if he don't wanna try nemore then there's just nothing i can do.. see wat i mean.. things are changing and i don't like this at all.. but there's just nothing i can do.. god this shit sux.. i feel like soo.. i donno.. its soo hard to explain.. i feel hurt.. sad.. i feel really un loved.. he don even offer to bring me things nemore.. he used to kare for me and now i just feel like.. like if i'm nothing to him.. well i dont knoe wat to do.. every thing happens for a reason.. ppl change for a reason.. i dont knoe wats gonna happen.. i just hope things work out.. i keep waiting and waiting for things to get better.. i just hope things get better soon.. i feel like every thing is my fault.. that every thing bad that's hapening is cause of me.. i donno i should just go away.. i feel sooo sik rite now.. i just threw up and i seriousely feel like i'm dieing.. it's hard to breathe and i feel like i'm klosing up.. i donno i'm just gonna go
AlriTe DAy
Mood: ![]() Now Playing: SLow MOtioN - JUVeniLE well today was a okay day.. didn't really do nething that interesting.. so yeah.. i'm soo hungry.. all i ate today was a banana.. ooOO well i need to loose weight neways.. get in shape for skewl =) .. so yeah.. uhHh well things have really changed.. i used to feel that we felt the same way about each other but i don't think that we do nemore.. i think that he's lost love and interest in me.. and used to feel like he would put me first b4 nething like how i put him first b4 nething else in my life.. but i don't think that he puts me first nemore.. but that's okay u knoe.. everybody changes and everybody's feelings change.. that's just the way things are and that's the way things work.. i gues he got sik of me.. but there's nothing i can do about that.. well i need to put my cusin to sleep.. buhbye
Thursday, 26 August 2004
Long Day at work...
Man today at work was soo freaking long man i swear..and in the last minute it got soo busy i hate it when it get's busy..and then when we closed we where counting money and we where short all this money and i wasl ike damn and expert me found out the manager didnt' count anything right and he mest everything up cause of my experinced i was able to catch the i really missed my baby today cause i always talk to her on my lunch break but i didn't get to talk to her she was probably busy doing something but i was all sad mMMmm well i guess it's ok i guess...yea well today just been a really tired day i can't wait for my day off to just sleep in and relax hell ya i don't get too many of those...well ya man i never mean to hurt mY baby that's like the last thing i ever wana do i never mean to do anything bad to my wiFe..i'm just soOO sorry i hurt her the way i do...
not feeling good
Mood: ![]() today was not a good day.. my cusin and her friend came over and my cusin kept telling me to talk with her and visit with her.. SOo i did for like a really long time.. then they left and then some bad things hapend and i got really sad and upset.. and well yeah.. still really sad and upset.. but whoO kares rite.. just gotta hide it and be happy.. not complain.. cause complaining doesn't get u newhere.. yeah noone mite not love me like u do but noone will ever hurt me like u do either.. i gues it hurts a lot more when the person ur really in love with is the one that hurts u.. cause i never bin hurt like how i'm hurt with u tony.. not cause u hurt me a lot.. but cause i'm soo in love with u that i'm really sensitive with u and i get hurt easily and it hurts more.. soo uhh.. that's all i got to say.. i'm krying a lil bit rite now.. i dono just thinking about things like this makes me kry.. well i'm gonna go try to sleep.. buhbye
long long day today
Mood: ![]() well today was such a long day i went to get a amp put for my speakers cause i'm running all componants and i need a amp to make them sound better but i didn't leave to pleased cause the bass was turned down a lot..and i also got some of those music videos with the videos so i can watch in my tv on my truck those are real bomb then i went to my dad's house to chill and ask him to sell my his car he has a Ram man i Love that pick up it's like all hooked up to race so he said he was gonna think about it i hope he sells it to mE and i just kicked it at his house and we saw some NOvelas how gay that was pretty much what i did today and man it just felt so long today...and me and my baby got in a lil argument but we are trying to get everythihng fixed up so that's goOd but i never want her to forget that NObody i mean NObody no where will every Love her the way i dO..I LOve yous oOO MUch Kristina Marie Garcia..MUaHHh
Wednesday, 25 August 2004
tiReD........ i'm iN LOVe
Mood: ![]() Now Playing: Me aNd My HuSbANd's SONg.. - ALwayS aND FOrevER Always and for ever Each moment with u Is just like a dream to me That some how came tru And I knoe 2morrow Will still be the same Cause we got a life of love That won't ever change and Everydaaaayy love me ur own special way Melt all my heart away With a smile Take time to tell me U really care And we'll share 2morrow 2gether.... I'll always love u for ever that's me and my husband's song.. well today was a pritty booring day.. i kleaned a lot to day and my husband brought som stuf for me and yeah.. that's about it.. oo yeah we ate ice cream to gether.. how kewl.. we ate the whole thing but he won me =( .. i wanted to win.. lol.. and now my tummy is hurting cause i ate to much ice cream.. well i'm gonna try to get my nails done.. if not 2morow then imma get them done this week end cause i don think i'm doing nething this weekend.. oh how kewl my husband has the day off 2morow.. he gets a break from his hard work.. how kewl is that.. i hope he relaxes and enjoys his day off cause he don get a lot of days off =) .. i love u hunny.. ooOO man i'm so tired.. well i'm gonna talk to my husband for a little while more and then we're gonna go mi Mi's to gether =) .. soooOoo i'll write some more 2morrow.. buhbye i LOVe TONy soOO mUCH!!
Posted by celeb2/tonyandkristina
at 3:08 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 August 2004 3:45 AM PDT Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post Tuesday, 24 August 2004
i'm soRry MaMi....
Mood: ![]() Hey Cutie Pie...well you know what happend the couple of nights and i couldn't write...well i'm here written about i today i worked at the pharmacy and if you don't know yet that's my new job and i get paid pretty good so i like this it's all good i'm closeing all this week so it soo sux but i got tomorrow off and man this week went by soo quick so it's all and my baby hardly got to talk in the past 2 days but tonight we are takling good and everything and i like it when we talk good..awwwwwww it's soo beautiful..oh yea..yea...guess baby is gonna get her nails done for me man that is soo gangsta...awwwww i LOve it i want her to get her nails fixed well that's what pretty much happend tonight and yea...well I LOVe you soOO MUch KRistina Marie Garcia...good damn i have the best WiFe in the whole entire world..i Do I Do ![]()
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