<<< Tidbits & Blurbs
This little portion of the site will be set aside for the smaller blurbs I've found about Travis. Perhaps it will be just a quick mention of him, or a paragraph or two that really aren't big enough to warrant a full page feature. Anyway, I'll just lump all of these little things together and you just read and enjoy them!
Decent Exposure
05.1.02 hintmag.com
Aussie underwear model Travis "the Anaconda" Fimmel has been cleared of demeaning the male of the species in his underwear campaign for Calvin Klein. Britain's Advertising Standards Authority had received a complaint that the giant billboards promoting Calvin's tighty whities were indecent. But the Solomons charged with protecting British public morals ruled that the images were within the bounds of taste and relevant to the product being advertised (penis pumps?). Perhaps the complainants should have taken action under the truth in advertising clause: the New York Post reports Fimmel's old roommate claiming his bulge was assisted by a rolled-up sock. That's funny, we'd have thought Calvin would have checked that very carefully.
Mighty Whities
04.17.02 hintmag.com
No one has pulled more out of men's underwear than Calvin Klein, but his current campaign might be more of a success than he bargained for. His latest billboard, featuring 22-year-old Aussie model Travis Fimmel, is hotter than an N'Sync prison movie. The giant image (which shows young Mr. Fimmel is able to fit more into his underwear than most people can cram into an overnight bag) has been removed from one of London's busiest intersections by road safety officials. Apparently the lunch that faced a thousand ships was causing traffic jams, as drivers either slowed down for a better look or swerved to avoid his package. The billboard, which had been erected on the corner of Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Street, also dominated the intersection of Broadway and Houston in New York (it has since been replaced with "Fill-'em-up" Fimmel in Calvin Klein jeans). In Melbourne, where the image stands at St. Kilda Junction, our local bureau chief tells us the neighborhood is now known as "the Meat Packing District." Media reports indicate Travis has received several offers from Hollywood as a result of his new notoriety. We suppose a remake of "A Man Called Horse" is out of the question?
- Site established 07.22.02 - Maintained by TerrieB -