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Vanessa Marcil originated the role of the beautiful Brenda Barrett in September of 1992 and was the apex of what is considered one of daytime television's hottest love triangles of the '90's. Brenda was presumed to have died in a car accident in September of 1998, when Ms. Marcil left the show, but appeared to have survived when she taped a cameo appearance in August, 2000. She returned to the show in September, 2002. Ms. Marcil has garnered two Soap Opera Awards and one Emmy nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress for her work on General Hospital. Ms. Marcil starred on the popular primetime series Beverly Hills, 90210. Most recently, she guest-starred in the season debut episode of NYPD Blue. Other television credits include a guest-starring role on Spin City and starring roles in the television movies High Incident and To Love, Honor and Deceive. Ms. Marcil made her film debut in The Rock as Nikolas Cage's love interest. She also co-starred in the independent films The Space Between Us and Nice Guys Sleep Alone. A native of Palm Desert, Califronia, Ms. Marcil's passion for the performing arts began at a very young age, and by her early teens she was working in theatre. Her dedication and determination resulted in significant work in productions such as Neil Simon's Fools, and the classic Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. She received critical acclaim for her performance in Southern Rapture which was directed by Academy Award-winner Peter Fonda and also starred with country singer/actor Dwight Yoakum and Golden Globe Winner Sally Kirkland. The play took place at the prestigious Met Theatre in Los Angeles. Ms. Marcil currently resides in Los Angeles. Amidst her hectic schedule, she finds time to work closely with Sojourn Services for Battered Women and Their Children, as well as programs assisting those who have been affected by drug and alcohol abuse. She will soon open Patricia House in Los Angeles which will aid women who can no longer care for their babies.

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