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Dear Friend:

Thank you for your interest in The Vanessa Connection, the Official Fan Club for Vanessa Marcil. I invite you to join our group and discover the excitement of the Connection that features what you want to hear, read, and share with other enthusiastic and supportive fans of Vanessa. The club was started in December of 1997 and continues to grow, with members both nationally and internationally.

The requirements for membership include: paying the subscription fee for the newsletter; participating in group charity fund-raiser projects; contributing to the newsletter; and attending periodic get-togethers whenever possible.

TVC News is published 4 to 5 times a year to keep you updated on the latest information about Vanessa. It is also a way for members to share their thoughts, ideas, opinions, experiences and creative talents. The subscription for the newsletter is $25.00 ($30.00 US equivalent for Canadians, and $35.00 US equivalent for other international members) which includes photos of Vanessa and holiday greeting cards too.

A portion of the subscription fee helps to defray the cost of postage, stationery, and expenses for special occasions such as birthday and holiday cards to Vanessa, or flowers/gifts to her dressing rooms at some special appearances.

The most important thing we do is, each year, our members are expected to contribute time and/or money to a charitable activity benefiting various causes. Some charities/causes that Vanessa has been especially supportive of are: Sojourn Services for Battered Women and their Children, AIDS, American Cancer Society, and facilities that provide help and support for teenagers dealing with drug & alcohol abuse, to name a few. The contributions are given to the charities on behalf of Vanessa Marcil Fans. More details on charity projects will appear in the newsletters or special updates.

I am sending you a membership form. If you want to join The Vanessa Connection, please complete the form and return it to me. As soon as I receive your form and subscription fee, I will send you the membership kit. Thanks again for your interest and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!

With Regards, Kathy Fisher, President

P.O. Box 16177
Encino, CA 91416-6177

TVC Application