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[2003] Las Vegas [Samantha Jane Marquez]
[2002-2003,1992-1998]General Hospital [Brenda Barrett]
[1998-2000]Beverly Hills 90210 [Gina Kincaid]


[2002]Code Hunter [Tess]
[2000]The Space Between Us [Maggie Harty]
[1999]Nice Guys Sleep Along [Erin]
[1997]Love, Honor , and Decieve [Sydney Carpenter]
[1997]The Rock[Carla Pestalozzi]
[1992]The Undertaker [Prince movie/video]

Guest Appearances

[2003,2001]NYPD Blue [Maria Olivera]
[2001]Spin City ["Cray Kara"]

Music Videos

[1996] "The Most Beautiful Girl In The World" [Prince]