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Bride and Groom
Our Story
Photo Album
From Our Hearts
Wedding Events
wedding Liturgy

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She All My Life Love moves in mysterious way
This is a match made in Heaven! Photo
This is a match made in Heaven!

First we started as schoolmates on high school but we never became friends at all. Honestly i was her enemy she never liked me because i was so stupid and a crazy person at that time.It was so funny because im so in love with her and she hates me in return. I know i have no chances to become her boyfriend but still I pursue my feelings towards her by writing short letters and putting them on her book,just asking for a date and it takes a long time to have an answer... We have our first date near our school, and she gave no answer.The next day she gave me a small card containing these lines  If we can't be lovers then let's be just friends. That's all I'm asking Please do understand. It was a sad reply,in return I wrote her a letter,and these were the words I said in my letter Hakuna matata it means no worries. 

We got engaged
We got engaged on April 4, the next day we were in full planning mode!

Our Marriage...

We take marriage very seriously. We believe that marriage should be a blessed state of commitment, fidelity and love through God. Because of our love of Christ and our commitment to follow his teachings, we know that our marriage will have a sturdy foundation built upon the Word of God.

The photographs and personal information on this website may not be downloaded or otherwise copied without the prior written permission of Frederick or Josephine Macabale.