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The Earl of Wessex

Edward Anthony Richard Louis Windsor

Born on March 10, 1964 at Buckingham Palace

Christening: May 3, 1964

He is 6 ft. tall

He is right-handed

Educated at Heatherdown Preparatory School, then at Gordonstoun

Spent a very brief time in the Royal Marines

Was created The Earl of Wessex in 1999; prefers to be called Edward Windsor

Was married to long-term girlfriend Sophie Rhys-Jones on 19 June 1999

Is owner/director of productions of Ardent Productions Limited, a TV company he started in 1993

Used to work for the Really Useful Company, for Andrew Lloyd-Webber

FAVORITE SINGER: Peter Gabriel, last I heard (hence the song on this page)


FAVORITE FOOD: seafood, chicken, mars bars (just like me...I love mars bars!)

FAVORITE DRINK: white wine, gin and tonic, tea

HOBBIES: Real tennis, the theater, travel, sailing, skiing

FAVORITE PEOPLE: Sophie Rhys-Jones, his parents, the Queen Mother

DISLIKES: the Press, smoking, being Royal (wants to be "An ordinary bloke known as Edward Windsor")

BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Finding Sophie Rhys-Jones

BIGGEST MISTAKE: Joining the Royal Marines

LITTLE KNOWN FACT #1: Learned to shoot at age seven

LITTLE KNOWN FACT #2: Is his father's favorite son (everyone knows Philip's favorite child is Anne)

LITTLE KNOWN FACT #3: Older sister Anne had a nickname for him when he was a child: "Nig Nog"

LITTLE KNOWN FACT #4: Edward, along with cousins James, Helen and Sarah, were known as the "Queenyboppers" when they were little