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Sarah Ferguson

ULL NAME: Sarah Margaret Ferguson


BIRTHDAY/PLACE: 15 October 1959, London, England

MARRIED: His Royal Highness Prince Andrew on 23 July 1986

CHILDREN: Their Royal Highnesses Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie (born 1988 and 1990 respectfully)

SEPARATION: March 1992

DIVORCE: 30 May 1996


FAVORITE PLACE: Klosters, Switzerland; any ski resort

FAVORITE FOODS: Lamb, chocolates, ice cream, cakes, crisps, almost anything sweet

FAVORITE DRINK: Champagne, white wine, whisky

FAVORITE PEOPLE: Dotes on her daughters, says she still loves Andrew, but has a penchant for other men particularly Americans

HOBBIES AND SPORTS: Skiing, riding, travel, men, charities, clothes, writing, working out

DISLIKES: Andrew for his boring habits, being caught out, having no money, seafood, black pepper (it makes her lips swell), anything bad said about her adored dad

BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENTS: Producing two daughters

BIGGEST MISTAKES: Too many to mention, but worst moment was having her toe-sucking sessions with John Bryan seen by millions around the world