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The WS Library

Welcome to the Windsor Street Library. Here you will find a collection of Royalty books. They are each treasured parts of my own personal library (which also contains a ton of Stephen King books and just about every book Michael Crichton ever wrote). I decided to put the library here, so you know exactly where I'm coming from if I say something about a Royal. These, along with my huge collection of issues of Majesty and Royalty magazines, are my sources of Royal information, along with the websites I visit.

Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria (Lytton Strachey)

Queen Mary

Queen Mary (James Pope-Hennessey)

King Edward VIII

Letters From a Prince: Edward, Prince of Wales to Mrs Freda Dudley Ward (Rupert Godfrey)

The Queen Mother

HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: Woman of the Century (Hugh Massingberd)

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (Godfrey Talbot)

Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth and Philip (Charles Higham and Roy Moseley)

Queen Elizabeth II: A Golden Anniversary Tribute (Country Life)

Queen Elizabeth II: A Woman Who is NOT Amused (Nicholas Davies)

Majesty: Queen Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor (Robert Lacey)

Queen Elizabeth II (Douglas Liversidge)

The Secret Journals of Queen Elizabeth II (Constance, Lady Crabtree)

Royal Sisters (Anne Edwards)

The Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth II (Ben Pimlott)

The Queen's Life (Graham and Heather Fisher)

Elizabeth (Sarah Bradford)

The Queen: The Life of Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Longford)

Queen Elizabeth II: A Pictorial Celebration of Her Reign (Penny Junor)

The Prince and Princess of Wales

The Prince and Princess of Wales: In Private, In Public (Alastair Burnett

Charles: Victim or Villain (Penny Junor)

The Bodyguard's Story (Trevor Rees-Jones)

The Princess Royal

Anne, The Working Princess (Paul James)

The Earl of Wessex

Edward Windsor: Royal Enigma (Wendy Leigh)

Invitation to a Royal Wedding: Edward and Sophie, June 19, 1999 (Peter Donnelly)

Sophie's Kiss: The True Love Story of Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones (Garth Gibbs and Sean Smith)

Edward and Sophie: A Royal Wedding (Judy Parkinson)

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Prince Philip: His Secret Life (John Parker)

Prince William of Wales

William: England's Prince of Hearts (Marie Morreale)

Prince William: The Boy Who Will Be King (Randi Reisfeld)

Sarah, Duchess of York

My Story (Sarah, Duchess of York)

Fergie: Her Secret Life (Allan Starkie)

Various Books

Royal Family Album (various photographers)

The Royal Baby Book (Phoebe Hichens)

Royal Wedding Album (Trevor Hall)

Buckingham Palace: The Palace and it's Royal Residents in Photographs (Michael Hall)

The Royal Family Pop-Up Book (Patrick Montague-Smith)

The Royal Family Today (Jessica Hodge)* This book actually belongs to my friend Peter, but I borrowed it from him a few years ago and actually forgot to give it back to him. He has also forgotten that he lent it to me...=)

The Royals (Kitty Kelley)

Crowns in a Changing World: The British and European Monarchies 1901-1936 (John Van Der Kiste)

The House of Windsor: A History (Geoffrey Hindley and Tom Robotham)

Anastasia's Album (Hugh Brewster)

Royal Family Yearbook 1984 (Trevor Hall)

The Royal Portraits (Cecil Beaton and Roy Strong)

Royal Novels (Fiction)

The Queen's Secret (Charles Templeton)

My Enemy the Queen (Victoria Holt)