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Viscount and Viscountess Linley

VISCOUNT LINLEY: David Albert Charles

VISCOUNTESS LINLEY: the Hon. Lady Serena Alleyne Stanhope

David was born in 1961

Serena was born in 1970

They have one son: Charles Patrick Inigo Armstrong-Jones, born on July 2, 1999

David makes a living by owning his own restaurant chain and making furniture

DAVID'S PARENTS: Antony Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon, and Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon

SIBLINGS: David has one younger sister, Lady Sarah (born in 1964), and a brother-in-law, Daniel (born in 1957). He and Sarah also have two younger half-siblings, Frances (born in 1979) and Jasper (born in 19??)

NEPHEWS: David and Serena have two nephews, sons of Sarah and Daniel: Samuel (born in 1996) and Arthur (born in 1999).

SERENA'S PARENTS: Charles Henry Leicester Stanhope (Viscount Petersham) and Virginia Alleyne Stanhope. They are divorced.

SIBLINGS: Serena has one brother, the Hon. William Henry Leicester Stanhope.

Serena is the granddaughter of the 11th Earl of Harrington.

Serena is a sculptress.

David Linley's Website
