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England's Leading Ladies

Want to know a bit about each Queen who has ever ruled England? I'm talking about actual Queens, not Queens who were only on the Throne because they were married to the Heir (or in the case of the present Queen Mother and her husband, Bertie...). Check the list below. Small bits of info on each one. Quite the list when you think of history and how everything played out.

Jane (Lady Jane Grey)--ascended in 1553. Was beheaded at age 17 in 1554. Reigned for 9 days.

Mary Tudor--ascended in 1553. Died at age 43 in 1558. Reigned for 5 years.

Elizabeth I--ascended in 1558. Died at age 69 in 1603. Reigned for 44 years.

Mary Stuart (joint-soverign with husband William)--ascended in 1689. Died at age 33 in 1694. Reigned for 6 years.

Anne--ascended in 1702. Died at age 49 in 1714. Reigned for 12 years.

Victoria--ascended in 1834. Died at age 81 in 1901. Reigned for 63 years.

Elizabeth II--ascended in 1952. So far, has reigned for 50 years. Has already surpassed Elizabeth I in number of years reigned and is probably hoping to beat the record of Victoria.

Aventine, an acquaintance of mine, infromed me that I left someone out of this page. So, without further ado, here is the information he gave me, and I thank him for it!

Matilda--1141-1152. The first civil war took place over whether she or Stephen of Blois should rule England. She won, but he did get to rule. After he died, her son Henry II took over.

And from Peggy, another acquaintance of mine, here is some more information on Empress Matilda. "She was the Empress Matilda, never officially got the title of Queen. She was the daughter of Henry I and grandaughter of William the Conqueror. As a child she was married to the Emperor of Germany and was widowed while still young. Her only brother died young also, so her dad the King made the nobles swear to accept Matilda as their Queen after his death. They did, but reneged when Henry I died, and offered the throne to her cousin Stephen of Blois. Civil war ensued between Matilda & Stephen which ended in Stephen promising to make Matilda's son Henry (from her 2nd husband Geoffrey of Anjou) his heir rather than Stephen's own son. Needless to say Stephen's son Eustace was majorly pissed about that but he soon died anyway, so Matilda's son became Henry II when Stephen died." Thanks for the info Peggy!! =)