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Tim Laurence

FULL NAME: Timothy James Hamilton Laurence

BIRTHDAY: March 1, 1955

BIRTHPLACE: Camberwell, South London

FAMILY: father is deceased, has an older brother named Jonathan

BACKGROUND: Italian-Jewish

STUDIES: earned a scholoarship to an excellent boarding school when he was a child. Studied geography at Durham University and then went on to Dartmouth Naval College. Is said to have been a very intelligent student.

NICKNAME: "Tiger Tim"--he earned the name in university. He was a journalist for the school newspaper and was very relentless when tracking down a story.

ANCESTORS/FAMILY HISTORY: he is descended from one Zaccaria Levy, whose son, Joseph, married Penelope Lawrence Jackson. In Penelope's will, she left her granddaughter a large fortune providing she change her name to Lawrence (there was a lot of anti-Semitism in 1826). Her granddaughter went one step further and changed it to Laurence. However, the fortune soon ran out.

ROYAL CAREER: was appointed equerry to the Queen in 1986 after serving on the Britannia; was appointed a trustee of one of Princess Anne's charities

NAVY CAREER: was posted in the Falkland Islands for a year; works in the Ministry of Defence