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Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie of York

Maybe when they're older, I'll make a separate page for each of them but until'll just have to be satisfied with this, as always.

HRH Princess Beatrice of York

FULL NAME: Beatrice Elizabeth Mary


BORN: August 8, 1988 (the exact same day my paternal grandmother passed away...who says there isn't a child born for everyone who dies?)

SCHOOL: um...can't remember...

THE WRITE STUFF: she is right handed

FOOD: likes chocolate, french fries (American pototo chips)

DRINKS: coke and orange juice

SPORTS: bike riding, tennis and golf

PERSONALITY: according to her father (in Feb 2000) Beatrice is the responsible one...she has a great sense of duty and concern for others

HRH Princess Eugenie of York


BORN: March 23, 1990

THE WRITE STUFF: she is right handed

SCHOOL: is currently attending Cowarth Park School

FOOD: hotdogs, corn on the cob, candy

DRINK: soda, milk

SPORTS: football (American soccer)

PERSONALITY: according to her father (Feb 2000), Eugenie is more of a tearaway than her sister. She is a leader who has a maverick streak in her

THE NAME GAME: her name is pronounced "U-Janie", it is French