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Son of Zeus Productions: Classic Portfolio- Index

The Forever Train

Secret agent Jonathan Smythe's first dangerous mission...

     The Forever Train is the first-ever espionage adventure starring the Echo Echelon's coldest and most deadly agent: Jonathan Smythe. His first mission begins with a mysterious death at a crowded Russian train station and will take him aboard the high-tech 'Forever Express', where danger lurks around every corner and the clock ominously ticks down to disaster! Unfotunately, this short story remains unfinished, thus only the first two chapters are available.

CHAPTER 1: Business or Pleasure

CHAPTER 2: The Sound of Silence

FAST FACT: The Forever Train, which was inspired by a dream, was the first short story to star the character of Jonathan Smythe. After the first two chapters were written, the potential of the character and the story was realized, and a full-blown espionage thriller, which was given the title Once in a Blue Moon, was born. The story and events from The Forever Train were meant to be included in the novel as chapters titled "The Grande Century Heist" and "The Forever Train".

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Son of Zeus Productions: Classic Portfolio- Index
Classic Portfolio- Index

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Son of Zeus Productions, 2007