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Date: N/a
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Condition: N/a

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[Here you will find information on AGA and Airsoft]
Airsoft/Paintball Gamers Alliance:
In the summer of 2000, Nightcrawler and Mr.X decided to create a group for airsoft players without a team...
Airsoft-Paintball Gamers Alliance...
NOTE: Recently, AGA has been reformed to Airsoft-Paintball....

We are a group of airsofters located north of California Bay Area , mostly from San Jose. We are not a Competitive Group, therefore we do not accept any challenges, or any kind of 'Team Battle'. We try to come together at least once a month and skirmish each other and have a good fun airsoft/paintball day. We are trying to bring the basis of "fake war" back which is not to simulate real hostile situations but to promote that u can do all this without risking your life and therefore shouldn't be taken too seriously. Hence the reason why we play only for fun. The concept of AGA is to bring airsoft players of any level or skill together, and to simply enjoy airsofting/paintballing. The people featured in the Airsofters and Gallery section are airsoft players (may or may not be in AGA.) that play on Airsoft Gamers Alliance Fields.

We are also in association with Task Force X---jointed with JASOC.

What is Airsoft?:
Gamers are REQUIRED to wear eye protection.

Airsoft is similiar to Paintball, but instead of unrealistic looking guns used in paintball, Airsoft guns are full size 1:1 scale replicas of real firearms. Instead of balls of paint, they fire a lightwieght 6mm plastic BB at speeds of 200-450FPS(Feet Per Second) with semi and fully automatic action.

Does it hurt?-
Compared with paintball, it hurts less. Paintball= Bruise, Airsoft= Sting. From far away it doesnt hurt as much. Airsoft gun are dangerous at close range, therefore most gamers have a rule of no shooting at close range(5-15ft, depending on the power of the gun). At close range you may get a BB welt(size of a bug bite) The welt usually goes away if not the next day, then in a couple.

How you get "TAGGed" out-
Airsoft is played on the 'HONESTY system', if you feel yourself getting hit by a BB, you call yourself out. Or a gamer can hit you and honestly see the BBs hitting you, he can call you OUT.

Gun Types-

Spring Gun:

Single Shot Action.

Gas Blow Back Guns:
Semi or Full-Auto.

Automatic Electric Guns:
Semi or Full-Auto.




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