Belokk Presents Title: Dreamcast System Disc 2 Platform: Dreamcast Date: 06/4/2003 Format: DiscJuggler v.4 Summary: here is the really rare piece of software i was talking about releaseing. here it is the dc system disc 2. this disc goes for alot of money, i am talking 200+. this disc will allow a retail dc to play GD-R beta games. So if you come across GD-R of Propeller Arena, you can play it now. History/Notes: i like to thank DCP from irc for helping me with the boot process. it seems it was an easy fix. when i realized what it was i kicked myself. i hope to remeber in the future for more unreleased games. p.s. i got another unreleased game for dc i got yesterday. if i can rip it expect that to be released soon. enjoy :) -belokk