_____________________________________________________________________..., ________________ ____________________ ______________ .;;;:,. _______\ /____\ __ /___\ /. .,,::tr0;: +----/ / | / ______\_ ____/_____ `:::;;' | // | | / | ____ | \____________\ | /__ x| || __\ / | :::::::::::::/____________|\_____________________|_________\ '|__ \/ \/ | -----------------------------------------------------------/__________| (>----| | Presents: Advanced Daisenryaku (C) Sega | | | | | | Platform........: Sega Dreamcast(DC) -NTSC/J- Supplier......: iNCREDiBLE | | Date............: 07/03/00 P.M. Patcher.......: HULK | | Filename/Size...: nbc-dai.001 Game Type.....: Tank Sim. | | Format..........: Bin/Cue (DAO/CDRWIN) Special.......: GD Rip. | | | | | | | | : : _____l l_________ ______________________________________________\___) _.' l //--------------------\\ l : Release Notes / Game Features : | - ----------------------------- - | | | | | | This is our second DC release, a very nice one might I add. Also, we have | | requested this release not to be posted on any public 'Release-News' web | | sites, due to the fact that they bring outsiders in this large enough 'scene'| | and give the so-called 'legimate' press the wrong idea about what every other| | group and ourselves do. | | | | Anyways this is our first GD Rip. Um, no sorry we can't get a full 1.2 gigs | | to fit tightly on an 74min, thanks. Instead we decided to ditch the in-game | | FMV which was useless anyway. If the screen goes black when the FMV is | | supposed to load, just press start and you'll be ok. Oh, sorry to the lamers | | who don't have access to this game, but NO we DO NOT and NEVER will have a | | public IRC channel for you to request/bug people in. We would like to keep | | this DC 'scene' small enough to stay alive (AND THAT MEANS, YES, SUPPORT | | SEGA!) All you leeches that just suck from sega/associated developers and the| | groups who are trying to make a positive impact on this 'scene' can go right | | to hell, espically ones that call yourself legitimate writers and bash on | | piracy in a poorly written article, but then turn around and ask for/leech | | 'iSOz'. You people are worse then the average EFNet leech, you are the CANCER| | of our scene. Instead of playing a 'bootleg' Dead or Alive 2, maybe you ought| | to take a class on journalism or re-think your career. (ahem-CNET-cough) :P | | | | Anyways, enjoy the game..... / THE INCREDIBLE HULK, aka THE GREEN RAVER | |\ ____l l_________ ____________________________________________\(____\ _.' l //---------------------\\ l : Group News / Contact information : | - -------------------------------- - | | The Natural Born chillers have climbed their way to the top of the PSXDEV | | scene in under three months. Now boasting the best coders, suppliers, and | | traders, we are now gaining sites across the globe to chill on. | | | | So if you ...... | | | | - Can supply fast(50mbit+) shells | | - Can supply originals for any platform (PAL/NTSC JP-USA) | | - Run a site with decent affils & decent specs | | - If you have a Yamaha 400t CD-R, Get ahold of a member ASAP. | | | | write to --------@----.--- or /query a member on EFNET ASAP. | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | | | : : l_________ _________________________________________________l l //----------------------\\ l : Members / Sites : | - -------------------------- - | | | | Site Name Position Staff | | - ------------------------------------------------------------------- - | | | | --- Head Quarters-WORLD -------/--------- | | - Head Quarters-Europe -------- | | --- Head Quarters-CHILL ------/-- | | --- Head Quarters-USA --------------- | | ??? Head Quarters-USA #2 You? Your Mom?? | | ??? Head Quarters-UK You? Your Mom?? | | - ------------------------------------------------------------------- - | | | | - == Classified * == Up | | | | Note that there are positions open for -----, USAHQ#2, and a UKHQ. | | If you you run a site with chill affils and maximum specs, please don't | | wait to contact us and see what NBC can do for YOU! | | | | -+- --------@----.--- -+- | | | | Our sites and E-Mail will be closed untill further notice, if you feel | | you need to reach a member, query one on EFNET | | | | * NiGHTSHADE has RETiRED from NBC and the scene in general. She felt that | | she has done enough and seen enough. We wish her luck with LIFT RAVING, | | her new found hobby. | | | | NBC IS... | | | | J.Mewes -+- Urkel -+- Spicolli -+- NIGHTSHADE -+- Cosmic -+- Incredible Hulk | | | | On Trial... | | -+- cHILLhARD -+- -+- OPiATE -+- -+- LADY SILvER -+- | l_________ _________________________________________________l l //----------------------\\ l : Group / Personal Regards.... : | | | Class - ConsoleX - EspritISO - MENACE - Kalisto - Properstuff | : : l________ _________________________________________________l \\----------------------// Natural Born Chillers - Last update on 00/00/00 - ------^NBC "Riding an extreme BD Trip dancing to DNB on the TREDMILL is, COSMIC" - NiGHTSHADE