. . . ( ( ( ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ / ____ ) ) ) /___) /___) / ) /___) /___) / / /___/ (_ ________ /___)./___).(__\/ /___)./ \.(___/./ /.____) __ \______/ _________________ \ ______ / _______ / _____________ || || T i t l e : Morita No Saikyo Reversi (c) Random House \\\||/// |\\\/// S u p p l i e r : Pork ORK . | o__o| . ( \/ ) C r a c k e r : Heinz Tomato Hustler . /\___/\ /_______\ D a t e : 16/FEBURARY/2k1 ( ( ( | | ) ) ) _| |_ F o r m a t : DREAMCAST/100% JAP ________ \______/ __________________________________________________________ || || __ Game Info & Release Notes: Hello,... we blow up this baby with dummy so it works fine for you to play. Please dont say now that we blow everything except our dummies because you know dummy is only thing that fall to ground where you put big dummy in it. And you know games without dummy if needed gives us the look like we are dummies. Thats why we ordered a new Crash Test Dummy for the new games and since Dummies all need good name, we decided that our new test dummy is called: Mick So you ask why old dummy died? Old dummy not worth big test phase didnt survived it. When played our great Seaman release the big fish he won was too hot to handle thats why he said goodnight to our BBQ Soprano. Watch out new releases by best group in the world because we work already everytime on a special barbe.cue intro with photos of our new elementary no.1 dummy dick Mick. Applause what a rhyme, wow! Too bad dummies die so fast. But Big Soprano is always using them too much. Ok back to game baby and to Dummy ... game is like othello and also playable for Gangsta Rib that means you guys all gonna check the gameplay too because with dummy even better. BBQ Bruhs are: Sausage Harry - Chicken Fried Tom - Heinz Tomato Hustler BBQKing - Gangsta Rib - Pork ORK - BBQ Soprano Respect to: If you tell us one group that deserves that ?!? Scene News: Nice'n'Spicy Sauce now on-sale. -----\ Cut out and Keep Collection \----- >8 >8 >8 Maurice Bessinger's Piggy Park Bbq Sauce aka Narq's Delight 1/2 Cup mustard 1/2 Cup honey 1/4 Cup brown sugar 1/4 Cup distilled white vinegar Salt and pepper to taste. Whisk together and bring to a simmer over low heat. Cook for about 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Makes 1-1/2 cups -----\ Cut out and Keep Collection \----- >8 >8 >8 <-- Beware Killer Scissors.