._______ /\______ _______. ________/_________________________/\ | |/ /______/\ | | eNf \___ / ______/\____ ____/ \ | / // \| |__________\/_______ | |/ \ | _// \ | / \ . | |. _// | \_ |: \ \ | / \ | |: \ | / :|: \ \ /\ \\ | // \ || \ / :::_____|\______\ /_________\______/___________\__________|_____|\ _______/ <::-------------\/----------------/-------------------------------\/--------> :. Proudly Presents : | | | | Game : Chu Chu Rocket -WITH CDDA- (C) Sega | | Origin : USA - NTSC Filename : KAL-CHU.001 | | Released : July 30th, 2000 CDs / Rars : 1 CD / 5 RARS | | Platform : Sega Dreamcast (DC) Format : BIN/CUE (CDRWIN) | | | +--|- - - -|--+ | Release Notes ------------------------------------------------- | +--|- - - -|--+ | | | ACC and RCC were proud to bring you the raped versions of this game | | throughout the past few weeks, but now we bring you the game with | | CDDA fully intact & playing. We waited until we had a 100% working | | quality release, rather than rushing a half-assed version out the | | door. | | | | Accession would like you to believe that it is the fault of Utopia's | | boot disc that Windows CE and audio tracks don't work. We have | | shown that to be a complete lie with the past few releases. While | | true that Utopia's disc does not implement these features (they are | | NOT bugs), Accession has simply not taken the time to work around | | it. Stop blaming Utopia for the work you haven't done. | | | | Please take note, that we have taken a new approach to packaging | | this game. Rather than wasting your download time and bandwidth | | downloading a BIN/CUE version with all the audio tracks in WAVE | | form, we have included the data track as a .BIN, with all the audio | | tracks in MP3 format. Simply run UNPACK.EXE in the directory in | | which you un-RAR'd, and you will get all the CD-DA tracks in .WAV | | format. Now, you can load the CUE sheet into CDRWIN. Pretty nifty, | | huh? Thanks to our friends at CLASS/BACKLASH for the idea and for | | the unpacker tool. Expect most of our CDDA games to be packaged | | this way when it can save large amounts of space - 300 MB down to | | 40 MB in this release. | | | | Finally, we got the 'Homepage' option semi-working, unlike most | | previous releases (including ours). You can use it, but you can't | | leave, or it'll go to the main menu. This problem is a little weird | | to work around. We hope that future releases will be fixed. | | | | Game Info: | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | CAT AND MOUSE CHAOS IN CYBERSPACE! | | | | Blast-off with Sega's first-ever networked title: ChuChu Rocket. It's | | the age-old game of cat and mouse -- with a cyber-twist. Sega makes | | gaming history by hooking up your Dreamcast to the world. Now you can | | take on a group of on-line strangers in an all-out battle over the | | Internet! It takes only a few minutes to learn ChuChu Rocket. All you | | have to do is herd your ChuChus (space mice) into their rocket before | | the KapuKapu (scary space cats) catch up to them. The game may seem | | simple, but don't be fooled. Your brain will shift into warp speed | | amid the fast and furious chasing, mind-bending puzzles, | | multi-player teamwork, and your opponents' sneaky tricks. Catch the | | mystery mice and a timed event throws everyone's strategy out of | | whack. Whether you play solo, or play the nation, you'll get | | infected by ChuChu fever. | | | | - Online multiplayer gaming. | | - Lobby instantly matches you up with players around the country. | | - Five addictive gameplay modes: puzzle, stage challenge, | | four-player battle, team battle, and network battle. | | - More than 75 massive levels. | | - Puzzle editor allows you to make your own puzzles. | | - Catchy music adds to the momentum. | | | +--|- - - -|--+ | Greets -------------------------------------------------------- | +--|- - - -|--+ | | | Class - Fairlight - Aggression - Menace - Cife - Paradox | | Static - Accession - Eurasia - Capital - Lightforce - Nil | | Trsi - Mups - Utopia - Myth - Deviance - Risciso - Rns | | | | .____ /\__________: ____________________/\ | | | |/ / \ | | \_ ___/__ ___/ \ kalisto psx 1998-2000+ | | | / / \ |_/\ |____ | / | \ | | || \ \ /\ \\ | \ |. | | \\ | / we set the standards | | |___|\ _\/______\____/_|_______|___\ ____/ we are the benchmark | | \/ \/- eNf .: <------------------------------------------------------------------------::>