._______ /\______ _______. ________/_________________________/\ | |/ /______/\ | | eNf \___ / ______/\____ ____/ \ | / // \| |__________\/_______ | |/ \ | _// \ | / \ . | |. _// | \_ |: \ \ | / \ | |: \ | / :|: \ \ /\ \\ | // \ || \ / :::_____|\______\ /_________\______/___________\__________|_____|\ _______/ <::-------------\/----------------/-------------------------------\/--------> :. Proudly Presents : | | | | Game : Cool Cool Toon (c) SNK | | Origin : USA - NTSC Filename : KAL-CTDC.001 | | Released : August 9th, 2000 CDs / Rars : 1 CD / 31 RARS | | Platform : Sega Dreamcast (DC) Format : BIN/CUE (CDRWIN) | | | +--|- - - -|--+ | Release Notes ------------------------------------------------- | +--|- - - -|--+ | | | Here's another pretty decent rhythm + action game for your Dreamcast, | | And once again, you are able to enjoy this game a few days before | | the official Japanese release date. | | | | So if any of you 'respected' gaming websites decide to use our game, | | (does KAL-FF9 sound familiar to you IGN?) please credit your source. | | | | Game Info: | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | Similar to Bust-a-Groove, Cool Cool Toon is a competition dancing | | game. There’s more of an emphasis on maintaining rhythm as opposed to | | actually making music; the game progresses based on button-presses | | and analog pad movements. | | | | For more information, the official homepage can be found at : | | | | http://www.neogeo.co.jp/cool/index.html | | | +--|- - - -|--+ | Greets -------------------------------------------------------- | +--|- - - -|--+ | | | Class - Fairlight - Aggression - Menace - CCS - Paradox | | Static - Accession - Eurasia - Capital - Lightforce - Nil | | Trsi - Mups - Utopia - Myth - Deviance - Risciso - Rns | | | | .____ /\__________: ____________________/\ | | | |/ / \ | | \_ ___/__ ___/ \ kalisto psx/dc 1998-2000+ | | | / / \ |_/\ |____ | / | \ | | || \ \ /\ \\ | \ |. | | \\ | / we set the standards | | |___|\ _\/______\____/_|_______|___\ ____/ we are the benchmark | | \/ \/- eNf .: <------------------------------------------------------------------------::>