._______ /\______ _______. ________/_________________________/\ | |/ /______/\ | | eNf \___ / ______/\____ ____/ \ | / // \| |__________\/_______ | |/ \ | _// \ | / \ . | |. _// | \_ |: \ \ | / \ | |: \ | / :|: \ \ /\ \\ | // \ || \ / :::_____|\______\ /_________\______/___________\__________|_____|\ _______/ <::-------------\/----------------/-------------------------------\/--------> :. Proudly Presents : | | | | Game : TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat (C) CRI | | Origin : USA - NTSC Filename : KAL-TMHH.001 | | Released : July 27th, 2000 CDs / Rars : 1 CD / 25 RARS | | Platform : Sega Dreamcast (DC) Format : BIN/CUE (CDRWIN) | | | +--|- - - -|--+ | Release Notes ------------------------------------------------- | +--|- - - -|--+ | | | Note this is the American version of Buggy Heat. The intro movie & | | ending credits movie had to be downsampled, and this game requires an | | 80 Minute Blank. | | | | Game Info: | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | CAN YOU TAKE THE HEAT? | | | | As one of 8 renegade drivers, you're bent on one goal: the | | championship of the most hardcore, mud-slinging, air-catching, | | stomach-turning, all-terrain, out-of-bounds, 'this road ain't big | | enough for the both of us' Racing League ever created! You'll need | | nerves of steel. You'll need the toughest off-road vehicle ever to | | tear into dirt. And most of all, you'll need to take the heat. TNN | | Motorsports HardCore Heat on Sega Dreamcast will get you fired up as | | you race world-class tracks in this hot new title. Start at the | | Garage to make your machine run lean and mean. You can even create | | your own signature look. On the track, the in-cockpit view lets you | | study and master individual driver techniques, while the AI system | | actually remembers your driving style. So get down, get dirty, and | | let the race get ugly. | | | | - Five play modes, including Championship Tournament, Training, | | Level Checker, Time Attack, and two-player VS. | | - Eight renegade drivers with unique vehicles and driving styles. | | - World-class locales, each with distinct terrain and weather | | conditions. | | - Garage mode allows you to customize suspension, tire grip, braking, | | and gear ratios. | | - Vehicle customization includes modifiable paint schemes, decals, | | and user-programmable text. | | - Adjustable replay mode. | | - R.D.M. (Real-time Driving Motion). Real-time in-cockpit view of | | the driver allows you to study, maximize, and master individual | | driver techniques. | | - Three views: cockpit, front, and rear. | | | +--|- - - -|--+ | Greets -------------------------------------------------------- | +--|- - - -|--+ | | | Class - Fairlight - Aggression - Menace - Cife - Paradox | | Static - Accession - Eurasia - Capital - Lightforce - Nil | | Trsi - Mups - Utopia - Myth - Deviance - Risciso - Rns | | | | .____ /\__________: ____________________/\ | | | |/ / \ | | \_ ___/__ ___/ \ kalisto psx 1998-2000+ | | | / / \ |_/\ |____ | / | \ | | || \ \ /\ \\ | \ |. | | \\ | / we set the standards | | |___|\ _\/______\____/_|_______|___\ ____/ we are the benchmark | | \/ \/- eNf .: <------------------------------------------------------------------------::>