NesterDC (port of nester) emulator for the dreamcast including 760 games to use with it Format: DiskJuggler (.cdi) Size: five rars, 89 megs not burned or tested ---------- Well this emulator was released a few days ago, it's a port of the nes emulator nester, appropriately named nesterDC. This cd is slef booting, I hear people having problems with self booting images, I think they need to use discjuggler 3 to burn it. I just threw in all the american nes games I have on my computer. They were all verified either good, or perfect from redump (no bad dumps, or messed up games.) The names are slightly messed up from the iso conversion, some ' and () and [] are converted to underscores and look kinda weird. If you want, you can use goodnes (an nes game verifying program) to rename the files back to their original names. I also left an ip.bin file in the main folder, in case anyone wants to make their own self boot cd. The first time I tried to burn this emulator, I used the binhack.exe to insert the 11700 address into the two files, but that made my dc reset over and over. So I then tried leaving them alone, and booted perfectly. If you want to repack and make your own cd, I recommend that you have 11700 and not 11702 as the msinfo number, because I haven't tried it with the second number (I get 11700 when I use cdrwin, and 11702 with cdrecord.exe.) Make sure to put the games in \games (folder named "games" in the root folder.) You can also make a separate cd with the game in a \games folder that can be swapped. ---------- Nester's homepage is The homepage of this port is ---------- The emulator runs at just about full speed. But the sound emulation is a bit on the poor side, and it is disabled by default. This is still a very good emulator, and is really fun to play. Now the game loading menu is quite different from anything I've seen before :) You're initial instinct is to press down to scroll through and press a button to select. Well you'll see on the left of the screen, it says "up" "down" "left" "right" etc with a game's name next to it. So if you press down, it will load that game. If you press up, it will load a different one. You see several games on the page, then press start to go to the next page. So watch out, and don't press down to scroll through. Also, I don't think there's any way to go back to the menu after loading a game, you have to turn of the console then turn it back on. ---------- There's 760 games, so I'm not gonna paste them here. It has pretty much every american nes game, no duplicates (well maybe one or two,) and no corrupted games.