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One death is a tragedy,

One million deaths is a statistic


    I chose the name Stalin, basically because this guy was the most ruthless bastard ever to walk the face of the earth.  When people think about the most evil man they always think of Hitler...and rightly so, he killed 6 million Jews simply because they were Jewish.  Stalin on the other hand, killed an estimated 9 million of his own country men.  Desperate times call for desperate measures, and luckily, Stalin understood this. 

    Basically what it came down to was the battle of Stalingrad in western Russia between the Nazis and the Communists.  Stalin knew that if his name sake fell, nothing would stop the Germans from pushing all the way to Moscow.  So he did the only thing that would give them a chance against the superior enemy: he sent his own countrymen to the front lines like lambs to the slaughter.  It was the way in which he made them fight which makes him the most ruthless son of a bitch ever to walk this earth.  He gave them two choices: fight or die.  Take up arms to defend the mother country, or take one in the forehead by your own countrymen.  After a few examples were made the majority took up arms against the Nazis and after a long and hard fought battle, Russia prevailed and the German lines all but collapsed.

    Now after that short little history lesson you're probably thinking a lot less of Stalin and the Allies in WWII for siding with a man like this.  However, what was his other option?  Give up and let the Nazis take over and kill even more people?  Stalin chose to preserve his country and the only way to accomplish this was to take the actions which he did.  Had he not done this, the Russians would have fallen and the Allied advance in the West might have been stopped.

    You have to ask yourself: if you could stop all wars and violence in the future, and all you had to do was shoot a little girl, would you?  Think about it, stop all wars and conflicts around the world, saving countless lives and manifesting a heaven-like peace on earth all for just the taking of one life.  Would you do it?  If yes, then what about two children?  Two children compared to the countless millions or maybe even (God forbid) billions that will no doubt be lost in the future to wars.  If two then why not three? or four? or ten? or twenty?  Where do you draw the line?  What about 9 million compared to a possible 12 million people Hitler would have killed? (just a guess that Hitler would have killed at least another 6 million civilians in Russia)  Stalin's logic all of a sudden seems to become clearer.  And I'm not saying it was right or even OK to kill those people (some of whom were just political opponents)...but I realize that for the betterment of the world...he had to.

Stalin has a nasty little habit of making UT maps when he's not wishing that he had a broadband connection

This map called "Rath of Ra" is his first map ever. 

(And yes I know that's not how you spell "wrath", I did that on purpose...or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it)

Rath of Ra

    Stalin here: I plan on putting out some more maps (I have at least one great idea) using the new editor.  I have yet to see it but I'm damn excited about getting my hands on it.  Feedback would be greatly appreciated. So download it (it's not at all that big) from here or from Nalicity but who knows when they'll update their stuff.  So I guess it's best just to get it from here.  Anyways, d/l it and then email me and tell me what you God help me if you email me and tell me my map is boxy or there are no light sources I'm going to reach through the screen and bitch slap you.  I know these things already and I would have done something about them had UT2003 not come out.  So I don't plan to do anything else to this map but if you have helpful comments or suggestions for me on my new maps I will start in the near future then drop me a line.  Thanks and Peace Out.