Race – Race is a socially constructed way of dividing people into groups by phenotypical traits. Although science has found that there is much more genetic variation within racial groups than there is between them. The fact that physical features differ between racial groups is the product of human evolution. These groups of people have lived in different parts of the world for thousands of years and their bodies evolved to the environments. For example people living closer to the equator developed darker skin to protect them from the UV rays, and people further from the border developed lighter skin so that they were still able to absorb the Vitamin D needed from the sun. Since humans breed openly between racial groups these lines are getting fuzzier and will soon disappear. Making the term “race” even more dubious is the generalization of the term from location of origin (Mexican Race) to mean religious background (i.e. Jewish Race), skin color (the Caucasian Race) and even species. (the Human Race) |