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Hey, info is free, but intellectual properties cost. If you want to link me, let me know and I won't have a problem. If you want to use anything from this page, save the pictures, give me credit and I'll have no problem with that. Use my written material without my expressed permission and we'll have problems. That being said, allow me to put it in a bit more profession manner...

All works on this page are the original property of Branden Powell. Any similarities in works, real or fictional, are coincidental and shall be taken as such. All photos on ::horribleexperiment:: are the property of the originators of the photographs and/or works of art. Credit compliance shall serve as fair use. In the event that is not acceptable, please contact Branden Powell at the e-mail address on any of the pages which comprise ::horribleexperiment:: and the situation will be remedied in a fair and timely manner. All other issues aside, enjoy the ::horribleexperiment:: experience.

thanks, management