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INduk KOperasi Petani Tebu Rakyat Indonesia

INKOPETRI is the apex body representing cane growers co-operatives in Indonesia.

Our duty is providing services and business for our member and cane growers nationwide.

Optimize Indonesia cane growers potency by empowering the organization and its business towards a stronger position and have a competitive advantage in national as well as world sugar community.

Improving cane growers and public knowledge on industrial science and agricultural skills

Creating improvement in cane growers
and co-operative members sustainable and actual wealth which is a useful value for cane growers, cane growers co-operatives and others co-operatives.

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Sekretariat Inkopetri : Bukit Dieng Permai P -3 -Malang, 65146 Indonesia. 
Telp. 62-341-565338 &   Fax. 62-341-565338