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Look Of Love

By David Brandt Berg

"Love at first sight" is quite possible, to respond with love to a loving look is a very normal reaction, as "love begets love." For it is very easy to "fall in love with love." To see love in someone's eyes is a psychological, emotional, physiological spiritual phenomenon which no one can quite explain any more than the seventh wonder of the World, which King Solomon called "the way of a man with a maid."--Pro.30:18,19.

For "eyes are the windows of the soul." For some inexplicable reason known to God alone, it is often possible for some to look into another's eyes read the very thoughts intents of the heart. In the "Look of Love," when looking earnestly penetratingly into each other's eyes, a definite reaction takes place which you often can actually feel physically.

However, some people are like Jesus said of some religious leaders, "Having eyes they see not, for they are blind leaders of the blind."--Mat.15:14. As we often say, "There are none so blind as those that will not see". How often have you averted your gaze from a sight which you did not want to see because of its unwanted emotional physical reaction on your own body your own feelings?

We also sometimes find that the reaction can work in the opposite direction our emotions can affect our eyesight: We see what we want to see or ignore what we don't want to see. We are told that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" at times, therefore "love is blind" or "has an extra eye" which sees beauty the rest of us cannot see.

For all these many other reasons, eyesight is undoubtedly the most important of all our five physical senses borders the closest on the spiritual or psychological senses, such as instinct, intuition, sixth sense or extra sensory perception.

Eyes can even convey hatred or love or embarrassment or deceitfulness or anger. Guilt, pride many other human emotions are indicated by the look of the eyes as expressed in some of our common sayings such as: "If looks could kill I'd be dead by now," or "His eyes pierced like steel," or "Her eyes were radiant with expectancy."

They can show joy happiness or hurt sorrow their tears can be a signal of grief, pain or heartbreak, or tears of pleasure rejoicing, or we can even laugh till we cry!

When first meeting someone the usual focal point of our attention our own eyes is their eyes, for the eyes betray character, the eyes bespeak the true nature attitude of the person, no matter what the other cover-ups or affectations may be. A mouth can be forced to smile pretend friendliness, but watch out if the eyes do not smile too!

Eyes are the greatest betrayers of the true emotions within are indeed the windows of our very souls, which is why we often say, "Look me in the eye!" A shifty-eyed character is immediately felt to be untrustworthy, one who will not look you in the eye or whose eyes shift about as though seeking some place to hide or whose eyes fall in embarrassment or guilt.

Eyes can also send out a message for help. They can give a beseeching look, a pleading glance, or they can coldly resist our gaze or be warily suspicious or narrowly suspect. Other eyes give us a mere fleeting glance indicating total disinterest indifference coolness of emotions, or they can be searchingly seeking for answers, or passionately romantic filled with desire longing hopefulness, or their gaze can be dull lifeless, hopeless full of pained frustration.

The eyes are positively the most genuinely expressive part of our entire bodies aside from our tongue, but are even more reliable than our tongues to express our true emotions our real feelings. The tongue can say one thing while the eyes show another; the mouth may smile while the eyes hate, or the hurt eyes of love deny the regretted words of anger.

The eye is the most deeply sincere communicator of all our senses reveals our innermost being whether we want it to or not. The mouth may lie, but the eye virtually invariably tells the truth about what is really going on inside. The eye has an almost extra-sensory power of perception can convey receive messages silently motionlessly like no other human organ.

The eyes are the most wonderful of all human organs can be the most useful or the most dangerous of all our senses with which we are endowed by God. They can be used for good or evil, to love or to hate, to help or to hurt, therefore we must be very cautious how we use them that we use them sincerely without guile.

Eyes are extremely spiritual have uncanny powers of which you may never have dreamed--powers over you powers over others. Watch out how you use them! Note how in our most serious warning we even use an expression denoting the importance of the eye: "Watch!" Jesus put "Watch!" even before "Pray!" You need to watch beware or you may not have time to pray, you'd best watch pray together for you need to watch while you pray!

The eye can be a very useful organ in witnessing as you are looking for possible responsive subjects for your witness. Your greatest witness is love, the eyes are the first to show it as well as the first to receive it.

Don't break God's spell! If the Devil has his spells, certainly the Lord has His--the influence of the Holy Spirit! But if you break the connection let your fish get away, it's just like breaking the line or throwing the switch, or like snapping your fingers in front of the hypnotised subject to snap them out of a hypnotic trance.

With Helga, the German girl, it was almost like I drew her spirit right out through her eyes--almost like I'd hypnotised her in a fraction of a second! I looked across to Helga for the first time I looked deep into her eyes held her gaze for just a moment, there was a really sad longing in her eyes.

The moment I got ahold of her gaze, I just pulled her spirit right toward me just like you'd take someone in your arms embrace them. But it was like an electric current! Suddenly in that one look we made contact--our spirits really came together.

One has so little to do with the engineering of these situations, because God's really the one that sets them up does the planning. You couldn't possibly have planned these things, but you just fall in line follow along whichever way He leads, because you don't know where He's going or what He's doing.

With the Lord, you can get through to people's spirits immediately. It's just like an instant recognition. You make an instant contact in the spirit. That's what love at first sight is: That hypnotic glance. There's an instant contact of the spirit, your spirits just suddenly click together like two magnets. If there's real spiritual contact in a look, it's just like getting naked into bed with someone!

The eyes have it! The eyes started it! The eyes did it the eyes finished it! All hail to the eyes as the most potent witnesses of God's Love! If you don't know the power of the eyes, you'd better start learning how to "use it"!

For the eye is quicker than the tongue or the hand! Give them the look of love, Love Life for a look! Look, Love, into their hearts with the look of love, that can both sober you give you confidence to know that few can resist such loving looks which reveal the Love of Jesus!

For your loving looks have the loving answer to the need of every hungry heart--the look of love which unlocks the doors of many of the hardest heaviest hearts. Give a look for love love for a look!

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