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Jeff Williams' Claims to 1998 (was Re: [ifwp] Re:Microsoft's new browser

Forwarded for archival purposes.

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Envelope-to: darrell_greenwood@MINDLINK.NET
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date:         Fri, 6 Nov 1998 11:19:34 -0500
Reply-To: Alex Kamantauskas <alexk@TUGGER.NET>
Sender: Owner-Domain-Policy <owner-domain-policy@INTERNIC.NET>
From: Alex Kamantauskas <alexk@TUGGER.NET>
Subject:      Re: [ifwp] Re: Microsoft's new browser
X-To:         Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@IX.NETCOM.COM>

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998, Jeff Williams wrote:

> Alex and all,
> >
> > I agree with that sentiment.  There are far too many people on the
> > Internet who aren't who they say they are.  You know the saying, 'On the
> > Internet, no one knows you're a dog'.  There's plenty of people out there
> > who are willing to say anything about themselves in order to get their
> > point across, whether its going so far as to say that they are a lawyer
> > when they want to make a legal point, although they never went to law
> > school and live in a hotel in Dallas.
> And you would be one of thoseI would NOT take advice form.
> As I have posted before my mailing address is 1843, Frisco Texas 75034.
> My physical address (HOME) is Rt. 1, box 11 Gunter Texas.  I repost this
> just in case you may have missed it.  >;)
> Hope this get you straightened out a bit.

Jeff, you are a fascinating combination of Baron Munchausen, P.T. Barnum,
and Captain Queeg from the 'Caine Mutiny'.

You said, "Be careful of whom you take advice from, would be my watch
words in my response.  Improvise, adapt, overcome.".  That is a very wise
sentiment.  As to taking advice from you, I don't think that I can, seeing
how you have a tendency to, um, 'improvise and adapt' when the moment
seems right.  But you are not to be trusted.  The below is a partial list
of various claims you have made:

  You were called in to evaluate and help redesign AOL's network.

  You earned a law degree, but you have never practiced law.  You graduated
    from SMU in 1992.  SMU will not give out any information pertaining to
    your education and degree, because under Article 14 of the
    Constitution, you requested that they withhold this information.
    Also, SMU and the University of Texas, Dallas, contact you whenever
    anyone requests information regarding your education and/or degrees.
    And finally, you passed the bar exam.

  You are Jewish.

  On 12/24/1996, you reported that your company, IEG/INEG, earned $1.2
    billion in revenue.  On 8/9/97, you reported that your company earned
    $2.2 billion in revenue.

  You have cracked 40bit encryption codes for various unnamed government

  You have cracked 40bit encryption codes in two seconds with a low end

  IEG/INEG paid you to read mail on the GTLD-MOU mailing list.

  IEG/INEG produces an API interface which allows for connection to 11
    different webphone products.  This API is written in Java, and will
    interface with most of the current WebPhone interfaces.  With this API
    interface, a user can interface without any user intervention of any
    kind with any webphone system either full, or half duplex.  Not to
    mention that it is compatible with over 40 different sound cards, and
    325 of the Fortune 500 companies all use this API.

  In 1988, IEG/INEG was $20 million in the hole, with 29 employees.

  You are a co-founder of IEG/INEG with two other unnamed people.

  You are a member in good standing with the IETF.  You are also a member
    of the ISOC.

  You have never worked sales in your life.  More importantly, you have
    never worked in the Seattle area, nor even lived in the Seattle area,
    although prior to October, 1996, you were 'helping out a friend' in
    Seattle, and had a Seattle phone number in your sig.

  You have lived outside of Dallas since ca. 1983.

  You have a joint ownership in a franchise of an unnamed hotel chain.

  Your company, IEG/INEG, has development centers in three states and two
    countries.  They have an ongoing relationship or partnership with over
    17 software development companies.

  IEG/INEG's main line of business is network information management.

  IEG/INEG has been published in most major newspapsers in the US and
    several in Europe.

  Money Magazine did two articles on IEG/INEG during the period of 1993 to

  IEG/IENG was the 5th largest employee owned, privately held company in
    the world in terms of revenue in 1996.

  You spoke out against the introduction of three-letter TLD's.

  IEG/INEG has a legal department.

  You have at least two children, one born ca. 1998-89, and one born ca.

  You were a judge, who served seven years on the bench.

  On the morning of July 2, 1997, you had a lengthy conversation with the
    Secretary of Commerce.

  IEG/INEG markets a facility known as MLPI.

  On or about July 16, 1997, you passed a copy of the MoU document
    directly to Janet Reno.

  Homestead Village in Dallas is not where you live, but just a temporary
   number you use for some purposes.

  During the period roughly from 1/16/1997 to 12/30/97, the phone number
    (913) 294-2375 was a virtual number that could reach you or your
    office nearly always, even if you were travelling, regardless of the
    fact that it was registered to Roger H. Williams of 28475 Hospital
    Drive in Paola, Kansas, and if you called that number and asked for
    'Jeff', they would tell you that he wasn't home.  Also, on 8/8/97, you
    signed a WWW petition from, a Kansas Netcom
    dialup.  Yet IEG/INEG has no offices in Kansas, and their only
    affiliation with Kansas involves several small software development
    companies.  This was announced in the February 19, 1997 edition of the
    Wall Street Journal.

  Around January of 1997, you were removed as CEO of IEG/INEG.

  You knew Jon Postel first hand, and you know Dave Farber first hand.

  IEG/INEG owns at least three ISPs, including

  IEG/INEG and its affiliates equal roughly 7,000 employees and 382
    separate companies.  IEG/INEG employees and users get to vote for
    board members.

  IEG/INEG has performed investigations for unnamed US intelligence
    agencies.  These investigations have involved use of SATAN.  These
    investigations involved munitions laws.

  IEG/INEG has been called in to 'clean up' after Sanford Wallace on
    several occassions.

  You have been to the Western Sahara.

  IEG/INEG is headquartered in California, and is listed on page 457 of
    the Texas yellow pages.  They have offices in eleven other states
    other than Texas.

  You helped build and did most of the design work on the SABER database
    systems for airline reservations.  You also did much of the design
    work for the SEC's databse for the New York and NASDAQ stock

  You have been a computer professional since ca. 1967.

  You have degrees in Law, Business Management, and Electronic

  At one point, you ran the largest privately owned network in the world.

  You own four houses, one in Kansas, one north of Dallas, one in
    Colorado, one in the Virgin Islands, and one in Arizona, which is five
    houses, but who's counting?  Your five bedroom home, along with 120
    acres, only cost $225 thousand.

  You served in the military, and were in both Vietnam and the Gulf War.
    You were involved in the bombing of targets in Cambodia and Laos.  You
    retired from the military in 1992.

  You and your brother were contacted by the Nicaraguan governement to fly
    huge amounts of contraband substances out of that country.

  You were born somewhere between 8/10/53 and 10/8/53.

  In late October/early November, 1997, you spoke with the Chinese Minster
    of Finance.

  In July of 1997, you and your staff did extensive testing to test the
    limitations fo the total number of TLD's that could be handled under a
    'shared-root' configuration.

  You have some 100+ year old Napolean brandy.

  IEG/INEG is producing a version of SATAN to be called SATAN PLUS.

  You can set up a 662 gig connection between Frankfurt, Germany and New
    York for a one-time cost of $250,000.

All of these claims come from public mailing lists prior to 1998 (there
are none that you have made in the last eleven months, such as the 200+
thousand signatories to your NTIA proposal), when you finally made it into
my procmail filter.  Each claim is documented.  The majority of these
claims have been debunked, even though you have chosen, on several
occassions, to defend yourself with such statements as, "I have proved it!
The information you want is in my sig file!  See for yourself!"  Hmm...
some hitherto unknown use of the word 'proven', I see.

We just want to know who you *really* are, Jeff.  We know a few things
about you.  We know that you have some knowledge, more than most people,
about encryption, PGP and various security measures.  We know you have
more knowledge than most about Java.  But we do know other things.  We
know you are *not* a CEO.  We know that INEG does *not* exist, regardless
of whether or not it appears in your sig file.  We know that you do *not*
have a law degree from SMU, according to SMU's registrar.

Alex Kamantauskas
Tugger Networks

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Darrell Greenwood 
Vancouver, BC